Nintendo is Asking How You Feel About AC: New Horizons
So... how do you feel about the current state of Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Chances are that you're not necessarily thrilled with the seemingly constant lack of updates and content. The good news, at least, is that Nintendo is now letting you voice your concerns at last.
Namely, there's now an official survey collecting feedback on AC: New Horizons for Nintendo. According to them, "the survey will ask you how much you have been playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons, along with the questions about how you have been feeling recently."
How to Participate in the AC: New Horizons Feedback Survey
The survey isn't necessarily as hard-hitting as some of you may have hoped it to be. It does collect some bits of info about your personal life, which not everyone's going to be a fan of, but the good news is that it's not too probe-y, all things considered.
Naturally, Nintendo is also curious about how long it's been since you last played New Horizons, and whether you find it fun when you do play it. While we're 100% positive that a more in-depth survey would've provided Nintendo with a better data-set to draw information from, one also has to wonder if something like this was needed in the first place.
It's hardly a secret that Animal Crossing fans are reasonably distressed over the state of the game. Namely, there's been precious little new added since the turn of 2021, and Nintendo has instead been repeating (admittedly improved) versions of 2020's events and happenings. All of this in spite of promises of there being more New Horizons content on the way.
Now, it's worth pointing out that we were expecting more from Nintendo Switch "Pro", too, though that ended up being a screen refresh and little more.
We'll see what happens next!